Tuesday 17 December 2013

Voiceover Script For 'Dave Starr' Intro.

Script: My name is David Starr. I live in south east London in a small house owned by my parents. I’m 18 years old, and tomorrow is the most important day in my life in terms of my boxing career. This fight could make or break me, i'm facing the toughest guy in London and I know my family are depending on me to win this match or we face financial ruin. Life is rough right now but boxing and my family are going to pull me through this. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This might need to be adjusted depending on how long it is in actual speaking time as it needs to match the length of the clips.

Thursday 12 December 2013

Self Assessment

Planning and Research is up to date, I keep posting my storyboard as we update it and any new ideas sparked by research(like the voice over), is also noted down. I have looked at several similar products, hoping for inspiration from them. A target audience has been established (Males over 25), however many other people, especially the youth can relate to this film as the main characters(opening scene) are both in their teens. This point is highlighted with the results that out questionnaire gave us (16-19 year old, male audience). I have organised the costumes which will be used. Dave, will be wearing shorts/jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. Oscar on the other hand, will wear a 'gangbanger' outfit as he has to look intimidating in the eyes of the audiance. Our female character will wear something casual, this charcater's costume is rather irrelevant, it just can't stand oiut too much. I put a great deal of effort in order to keep my work neat, it is intrinsically rewarding when taking a look back at your work and seeing how organised it is. Time management is one of the things which me and my group might be a bit behind on. Because of the time of year and the area that we live in, it is rare that all of us are available to record at the same time. Overall, I believe that I am currently working at a high level 2/low 3. I believe so due to the fact that my work could, and will be improved, so right now it doesn't quiet cut level 4 or even a high 3. However I also believe that it is above satisfactory and doesn't deserve to be graded as Level 1 or a low 2.

Prop Ideas

Today at Media intervention an interesting idea had been brought up. If we could get our hands on some sugar glass, it would make for a fantastic prop for the climatic scene in our film. Instead of our protagonist being stabbed, he could be hit in the head by a sugarglass bottle which then puts him into a 20 year long coma.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Voiceover idea

Today in lesson we came up with the idea to include a voiceover in the opening scene. It would add a sense of personalism to our film because it gives the audiance an insight into the character's life. Our inspiratnion came from the film 'American Psycho', where the voiceover describes the daily routine of the main character.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Possible Locations: Part 3

Mottingham Playing Fields: Mottingham
Another good location where the stabbing scene could be filmed, looks spooky at night but the lighting is good. Also relatively close to everyone's houses so if we fail once, going back wont be a problem.

The Antagonist's backstory

(IMAGE COMING SOON) Martyn,living in the heart of south east London is a child of the city. His life is a struggle as he has no real aspirations and therefore a dark future ahead of him. His appearance in the film is an insight of what he does for a living and how he copes when in danger. His part in the film is crucial as it is him who triggers the climax which happens in just the opening scene...

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Initial Storyboard: 1st draft

This is the first draft of the storboard which we decided to follow. This draft includes the establishing shot of our film as well as all the shots which take place in the protagonist's home.
Charactets included: Dylan, Dylan's mum.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Questionnaire Results

We asked ten different people, randomly chosen, to fill out this questionnaire, so that we could effectively identify our target audience and what they like to see in films. From this research we established that 16-19 year old males are the most likely target audience for our film,which is of the Sport Drama genre. This particular target audience enjoy watching dramas in which the climatic scenes include death and in which there's a hero figure.

The Results

Question 1: There were 5 Males and 5 Females equally.

Question 2: Their ages ranged from 16-19

Question 3: Comedy=1 -- Horror/Gore=1 -- Romance=1 -- Thriller=2 -- Drama=4 -- Musical=1

Question 4: 4 answered Sport, 2 answered Crime, 3 answered Comedy and 1 answered Musical

Question 5: 3 answered Main Actors/Actresses, 5 answered Storyline/Plot and 2 answered Character Types

Question 6: All 5 Males chose Hero and Victim for this question whereas the Females chose Funny Guy, Hero and Bad Guy.
Question 7: Males answered as follows;
 The Godfather - Crime Drama, The Longest Yard - Sport Drama, The Game Plan - Sport Drama, Goal - Sport Drama, Love and Basketball - Sport/Romance Drama
Females answered as follows:
 Silver Linings Playbook - Comedy Drama, Goodfellas - Crime Drama, High School Musical - Musical Drama, Juno - Comedy Drama and Crazy Stupid Love - Comedy Drama.
Question 8: Most of the Male answers mentioned that Drama movies should have an entertaining storyline and a climax that draws the audience in. The Female answers however ranged from a romance to a happy ending.
Question 9: 3 answered Break Up, 9 answered Death, 6 answered Happy Ending, and 4 answered Climaxes
Question 10: All 10 participants agreed that a good soundtrack and sound effects increases the quality of a Drama Film.